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For college-level writing to be successful, choosing the right topic is essential. A solid research subject enables fluid writing and impartiality in your arguments. Your research topic should ideally pique your interest and inspire you to explore numerous concepts in your work.

Selecting a single topic can frequently prove to be a difficult endeavour due to the range of themes in many professions. This page offers several history research paper ideas to help you choose your topic.

How to write a history research paper

The history and evolution of many nations and civilizations raise a wide range of issues. As a result, you have a wide range of options for research paper themes and can pick any subject that sparks your curiosity. 

Unfortunately, the abundance of options may make it difficult for you to choose just one. When choosing a subject for your dissertation, keep the following in mind:

  1. Read the question

Consult the prompt before choosing a topic to ascertain the variety of concepts you can explore within the more general essay question. After that, this should aid you with your research and ensure that your topic is pertinent and follows the faculty’s criteria. 

  1. Brainstorm

Consider several concepts that have previously aroused your interest in this issue after evaluating the dissertation question. These subjects are excellent choices for you since they provide strong incentives to conduct a thorough investigation. 

  1. Research

Check out the numerous new issues in your field after you’ve consolidated your thoughts. These subjects hardly ever make it into previous dissertations, allowing for original viewpoints on a variety of issues. 

Additionally, look at the depth of research that has gone into a concept and identify original strategies that might lead to brand-new discoveries and conclusions. Choose a subject that has a variety of sources to back up the various claims in your research. 

  1. Create a plan

Create a research outline for the three or two themes you choose as your top priorities after reducing your topic possibilities. The history research paper outline will enable you to determine how thoroughly the subject may be covered, ensuring that you have enough information for a thorough conversation. 

The outline directs your dissertation prospectus as well because it emphasizes the main concepts you plan to include in your work. We also find the outline to be a handy tool for editing as it can be crosschecked with the reverse outline to highlight the underdeveloped ideas.

Ideas for a research paper about history

Ancient history research paper topics

  1. Rome’s early use of science and technology
  2. How were the pyramids in Egypt built?
  3. What part does archaeology play in historical studies?
  4. Greek mythology’s role in religion and society
  5. Principal characteristics of ancient Greek architecture
  6. Roman agricultural deities
  7. The historical background of the Great Sphinx
  8. The role of religion in ancient Egypt

Art history research paper example

  1. Chinese and Japanese traditional clothing: history and cultural effects
  2. Hinduism’s influence on ancient Indian art
  3. The biblical inspirations behind Leonardo da Vinci’s earliest works of art
  4. Paintings by Raphael and their quirks
  5. The well-known authors of enlightenment literature
  6. Significant changes in painting techniques during the impressionist era
  7. Can the vast majority of modern art be said to be fake?

History research paper topics

  1. Ancient Egyptian views on immortality and death
  2. Germany’s image of Hitler during World War II
  3. Ancient Britain and the Status of Women
  4. The Middle Ages saw changes in armour and weapons
  5. European medieval society and its ties
  6. Ancient societies and the usage of weapons
  7. The first Marne fight and its significance in stopping German advances

Interesting history research paper topics

  1. Establishing the European Union
  2. African Americans and WWII
  3. The controversy surrounding François Mitterrand and his legacy
  4. Modern world entrepreneurs and inventors
  5. The price of American industrialisation
  6. Social and economic changes as well as gender inequality
  7. French Revolution’s effects on contemporary France

Music history research paper topics

  1. The genesis and key traits of country music
  2. Rock’n’roll’s antecedents, influence, and cultural significance
  3. A postmodern take on classic song writing
  4. The phenomenon of Mozart, his creativity, and his style
  5. How modern music has been influenced by technology
  6. How did drugs influence the growth of psychedelic rock?
  7. The usage of electronic instruments and digital audio

US history research paper topics

  1. What is the function of amendments in American constitutional change?
  2. What significant role did African Americans play in the revolution?
  3. Describe the significance of the American victory at the Battle of the Great Bridge
  4. How did America’s financial sector fare during the Great Depression?
  5. How near has a second “Great Depression” been in American history?
  6. What innovators contributed to the industrial revolution
  7. What economic principles underpin the industrial revolution?

World history topics for research paper

  1. Examine the Qin Dynasty’s success during the Chinese Warring States era
  2. Describe the meaning of the phrase “Bipolar World” in more detail
  3. Describe the geopolitical factors that led to the expansion of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula
  4. Name three influential historical figures who changed the course of history
  5. The establishment of the State of Israel and its effects there
  6. List the advantages and disadvantages of the Palaiologan dynasty’s Byzantine Empire
  7. Talk about the struggles for freedom in Portugal and Spain

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Research Paper Outline Examples & Writing Guide http://tellusworld.org/research-paper-outline.html http://tellusworld.org/research-paper-outline.html#respond Thu, 15 Dec 2022 00:53:27 +0000 http://tellusworld.org/?p=40 Continue readingResearch Paper Outline Examples & Writing Guide

Writing an academic paper often proves a challenging task for students. besides the vast amount of information to cater to, students are required to organize their ideas into chapters, to present an argument that is easy to follow. 

Unfortunately, planning your paper can prove a trigger for a series of headaches. The research paper outline greatly simplifies your academic writing experience by organizing your thoughts, thus, ensuring that you exhaust your research. 

This article will highlight the steps to writing a research paper outline and showcase an outline for a research paper template to guide your efforts in outlining your paper. 

What is a research paper outline?

A research paper outline is a visual framework highlighting the key points in an academic paper. the research outline helps the writer to fit their arguments into a coherent paper, helping the reader to easily make out the main points. 

How to do a research paper outline

  1. Determine the essay type

Before you rush to complete your paper, check the essay prompt to determine the type of essay you are required to deliver. Different essay types have varying formats with larger research papers chunked into chapters including the methodology, results, abstract, discussion, and conclusion. 

It is thus vital to identify the essay type to avoid errors in the structure of your paper. 

  1. Select your topic

Having identified your essay type, research a suitable topic that allows you to make original arguments. Ideally, your topic should be interesting to give you the impetus to manage the tedious research necessary for a complete argument. 

  1. Conduct extensive research

After narrowing your focus to a specific topic, interact with various sources to identify the existing research gaps. Besides informing you on the gaps you ought to tackle, research widens your perspective on the topic, helping you make an insightful analysis of the existing knowledge. 

  1. Create an outline

Finally, sort your gathered facts into sections to ensure a smooth development of your arguments. When doing this, gauge the gaps in your argument and conduct further research to overcome possible criticism of your paper. 

  1. Tackle essential chapters

If you are dealing with a large research paper, chunk your arguments into the relevant sections for an easier time when you are handling each chapter. We also recommend that you handle each chapter independently to avoid the confusion that comes with tackling your paper as a whole. 

Outline template for research paper

An outline for research papers with five paragraphs is given in the example below:

  1. Introduction

Sentence to begin

Sentence, reference, or quote in support

Sentence, reference, or quotation to support

Thesis – often bearing three points

  1. Body Paragraph I 

Sentence topic about the thesis’s main argument

First, support the line or quote with a justification

Second supporting line or quote with a justification

Third sentence providing evidence for or a quote in support of the topic sentence

  1. Body Section II 

Sentence topic on the thesis’s main argument

 First, support the line or quote with a justification

 Second supporting line or quote with a justification

 Third sentence providing evidence for or a quote in support of the topic sentence

  1. Body Paragraph III

Sentence topic about the thesis’s main argument

 First supporting line or quote with a justification

 Second supporting line or quote with a justification

 Third sentence providing evidence for or a quote in support of the topic sentence

  1. Summary 

Rephrase the thesis in new words

Contextualizing sentence 1

Supporting phrase 2

Final views, including suggestions for additional research or questions

Research paper outline example

The effect of infusing technology into teaching-learning 

  1. Introduction

1.1. Traditional study is largely based on dictation and note-taking which is unideal for visual and kinaesthetic learners.

1.2. Thesis: Integration of tech in teaching-learning can greatly improve student performance.

  1. Body

2.1. Paragraph 1

2.1.1. Traditional study approaches do not engage the learner fully, resulting in easy distraction during class.

2.1.2. Support: Henry’s study (1987) indicated that less than half the class would recall at least a third of the points of a dictated class. The huge load of concepts tackled may give a learner a hard time selecting key ideas.

2.1.3. Conclusion: tech can minimize the content into bits that are easy for the learner to comprehend.

2.2. Paragraph 2

 2.2.1. Notes make it hard to highlight the connection between concepts.

 2.2.2. Support: connecting concepts makes for easy recall of related concepts (Hendricks, 2011).

 2.2.3. Conclusion: tech enables learners to make mind maps and condense ideas into models that are easier to recall.

2.3. Paragraph 3

2.3.1. Instructional games are more engaging and build a positively competitive classroom environment.

2.3.2. Support: games are more interactive and thus ensure maximum focus and attention on teaching-learning activities.

2.3.3. Conclusion: games yield better classroom participation and also diversify the styles of learning, helping learning make cues that are easier to recall.

III. Conclusion

3.1. Restatement of the thesis: technology is a great addition to teaching-learning.

3.2. Emphasize the main point: tech brings about better interaction and also addresses various learning styles of your learners.

3.3. The condensed notes on mind maps and interaction with processes and concepts make for stronger cues that a learner can recall easily.

3.4. Teachers should aim to develop digital literacy among learners and adopt study methods that embrace tech tools and software.

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40 Catchy Ideas for Your Technology Research Topics http://tellusworld.org/technology-research-topics.html http://tellusworld.org/technology-research-topics.html#respond Wed, 14 Dec 2022 15:48:46 +0000 http://tellusworld.org/?p=27 Continue reading40 Catchy Ideas for Your Technology Research Topics

The success of your thesis depends on the topic you choose. The topic you choose impacts how easy your research will be and whether you’ll enjoy writing about it. Although there are many subjects to choose from, not all of them are appropriate for thesis papers.

This article will look at the methods for selecting technology-related topics and highlight a few ideas for tech-related research projects.

How to choose a research paper about technology

Making the mistake of choosing the first subject that comes to mind will doom your paper. Your choice of topic should be carefully considered to produce an excellent thesis paper and an easy writing experience. 

 When choosing your thesis topic, you should take the following steps into account: 

  1. Review the rules

Check the requirements for your paper and refer to the essay question to choose the overall topic before beginning to construct your thesis. This will assist you in determining the pertinent concepts you might cover and also provide information for your preliminary study. 

  1. Pick a broad subject

Determine the broad theme of your thesis research after reading the thesis prompt. The application of technology in education, its impact on administration, and its impact on social behaviour could be examples of this. 

  1. Carry out a preliminary analysis

Interacting with sources that are relevant to your issue should be the next phase in your planning. This will provide you with a variety of viewpoints for your research and point out any gaps that might call for more investigation. 

Check for numerous newly emerging issues in your field while completing your preliminary study, and draw links between the basic notion and these concerns. 

By doing this, you can choose an intriguing subject without straying too far from your core thesis statement. 

  1. Concentrate on a certain area

Decide on a single topic with a clear scope after identifying the emerging issues. 

With the resources at your disposal, this topic ought to be doable and enable you to contribute to the body of knowledge already known in your area. 

  1. Create a plan

Finally, to determine whether your paper is feasible, conduct research on the subject and put your thoughts and research questions into an outline. 

Some faculties may even demand a thesis outline to evaluate and approve your chosen topic. 

If your institution doesn’t follow this policy, you can approach your professor with an outline and ask for advice on how to strengthen your essay before moving on to the writing stage. 

Technology topics to write about

Creative titles about technology

  1. Technology’s place in business and marketing
  2. Moral and ethical issues in science and technology
  3. Using the internet and digital technology to motivate students
  4. Teachers’ perceptions and knowledge of technology integration in special needs education
  5. Health it, and the value of choosing the right technology
  6. Japanese perspectives on the process and role of technology in economic development
  7. Information technology planning and implementation in civilian and military organizations
  8. Improved energy efficiency and energy use in air conditioning systems thanks to new technology 

Good research topics in technology

  1. Is technology a good or bad thing for society and culture? 
  2. The effect of technology on the Christmas celebration 
  3. Using information technology to lower service access barriers
  4. How the ability to interpret the news was given to people by technology and mass media
  5. Studying the effects of information technology on society
  6. The role of information technology in large face-to-face meetings
  7. Effects of new technologies on how we understand pornography 
  8. The effect of technology on math education and learning

Interesting topics on technology

  1. How the rapid evolution of technology changed the way we read books
  2. Teachers receiving training on how to use adaptive technology with students who have behavioural disorders
  3. Technologies to manage wastewater and improve air quality
  4. Effectiveness of information technology in organizations
  5. Information technology’s effects on businesses’ global operations
  6. Technology must be used to enhance human intelligence, not to replace it
  7. Teachers’ opinions on technology use in teaching and learning
  8. Addressing students’ access challenges to information technology

Research questions about technology

  1. Finding hydrocarbons in contaminated soil using infrared technology
  2. Business and information technology relationship
  3. Essay on the internet revolution and future digital technology
  4. Globalization and technology’s effects on negotiation
  5. Helpful technology for dyslexic high school students
  6. Technology’s impact on the accounting profession paper
  7. Relationships between brands and consumers are impacted by changes in media and technology
  8. Impacts of information technology on the logistics sector

Technological research topics

  1. The function of technical advancements in medical research facilities
  2. The impact of 5G on cancer cell research
  3. Using technology to determine the electrolyte concentration
  4. The reason that men predominate in computational science
  5. Why mobile devices can be used as tools for privacy intrusions as well as their victims
  6. The most effective way to create and deploy cloud solutions for businesses
  7. Is it appropriate for governments to keep an eye on and regulate citizens’ internet usage?
  8. Compare and contrast how the human brain and a computer operate

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Beginner’s Guide on How to Make a Good Research Title http://tellusworld.org/research-paper-title.html http://tellusworld.org/research-paper-title.html#respond Wed, 14 Dec 2022 15:43:47 +0000 http://tellusworld.org/?p=25 Continue readingBeginner’s Guide on How to Make a Good Research Title

Are you confused about how to write your research paper? Worry not. This article will tackle tips on how to title a research paper, helping you reel in a substantial audience.

As the cliched adage goes: give a dog a bad name and kill it. Similar to a gift, your research paper should be packaged in a neat title to evoke curiosity from your readers, therefore motivating them to interact with your paper further. 

However, students often face a challenge in creating quality titles for their papers. without further ado, let’s dive into the criteria for selecting a good research title.

What is a good title?

A good research paper title should be capable of piquing your reader’s interest and predicting the key concepts of your paper. The title thus allows readers to determine the relevance of your paper to their research, ensuring ample traffic for your paper.

Also, a good title should reflect the tone of your paper and reflect the keyword for easy listing on search engines. Provided that your title meets these criteria, there are a few limitations to the type of title you select.

You can thus select a sentence title or a question-form title and attract a substantial flow of readers to your paper.

How to make a good research title

Often, you may have a ton of ideas for your research paper title and struggle to select the best option for your paper. this challenge in formulating a research title can be overcome by following the steps below.

  1. Clarify the ‘what’s’ of your paper

Before you write your paper title, ask yourself:

  • What is my paper’s main subject? 
  • What methodology was applied in my research?
  • What were my findings?

Upon elaborating on these answers, you are better placed to write a title that is both enticing and explanatory to the reader.

  1. Identify your main keyword

Next, analyse the key phrase that contains the main idea of your paper and integrate it with the method, subject, and findings of your study. this not only ensures that your paper clearly defines your topic but also helps some search engines in the ranking of your paper. 

  1. Trim fluff words

The general word limit of research papers is between twelve and fifteen words. This range may be defined in your faculty guidelines or within the instructions for your selected referencing style. 

After coming up with a sentence containing the aforementioned items, cut off unnecessary words, leaving behind relevant information. Also, do away with unnecessary jargon opting instead for simpler words that readers can easily comprehend. 

  1. Revisit the faculty guidelines

Finally, recheck the faculty guidelines on the title page for the research paper and edit your work to conform to the stipulated rules. 

How to format the title page for a research paper

The title page of a research paper has slight differences depending on the referencing style used for your paper. 

When using the APA referencing style, for instance, you are allowed a maximum of twelve words in the title. Also, the title should be placed halfway down the page and centred. Also, your title should be emboldened and a space inserted below the title just before listing your name, affiliation, course title, the instructor’s name, and the due date. 

Conversely, the MLA title page is optional depending on your faculty’s guidelines. Often, you should add a running head and your identifying information before inserting your title 1/3-way down the page. Also, the MLA title needs not to be emboldened and can thus be simply centred at the start of your essay. 

Can titles be questions?

Although no format is recommended for research paper titles, we advise you to avoid questions as they can be confusing. Often, question-form titles fail to highlight the methodology and findings of your research, losing their potency to attract readers. 

Also, some tutors advise against such titles and could therefore penalize you for the same. 

Example of title in research

  • The importance of the American Civil War for common Americans and African Americans.
  • Analysis of Donald Trump’s impact on the United States and other countries.
  • List the several methods the American government can lower the number of fatalities brought on by the unchecked use of firearms.
  • Why should people be permitted to give their organs in exchange for cash?
  • Examine and debate the claim that terrorism engenders a fear culture that can breed unintentional terrorists inside a society.
  • Examine the effects of DDT usage and removal on the bird population in your nation.

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